Leek & Goat Cheese Bread

Leeks, goat cheese & bread. What more can we say about this gorgeous loaf that's perfect for comfort food meals? Slice a piece off and serve it with your favourite soups, stews, and salads!

Dough Ingredients
1 Cup milk (or nut milk) lukewarm
2 & 1/4 tsp instant yeast
4 Tbsp Greek Leek Agrumato Olive Oil
1 Egg
1 & 1/4 tsp salt * Add a bit more salt if you're not using a saltier cheese
3 Cups AP flour (you can even try a blend of whole wheat and white)

Filling Ingredients
2 large leeks, sliced & rinsed well. (Substitute with 2 caramelized onions, if you prefer)
1-2 Tbsps Greek Thyme Olive Oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly cracked black pepper
4 cloves garlic, minced (optional)
1 Cup soft goat cheese, crumbled / Mozzarella can be used as well.
1/2 Cup shredded Parmigiano Reggiano or pecorino.

Egg Wash
1 Egg
1 Tbsp water
Pinch of Favuzzi Fleur de Sel

In a stand mixer or large bowl, mix the yeast & milk together. Whisk in egg, Leek Olive Oil, salt, then stir in the flour. Knead for five minutes. Dough should be semi-soft, not stiff.

Oil the boil and the ball of dough, and place it back in the bowl. Cover with a damp kitchen towel, let it rise until doubled. About 1 – 1 1/2 hours.

While waiting for the dough to rise, cut, rinse, and sautée leeks with the Thyme Olive Oil in a large skillet over low to medium heat. Moisture from rinsing them will help soften them. Add the garlic, salt, and pepper. As soon as the garlic becomes fragrant and leeks are tender, turn the heat off and let cool.

Preheat your oven to 350F.

When the dough has doubled, place it on a well-floured surface. Roll it into a 12-inch by 16 inch rectangle. Spread out the cooled leek filling, sprinkle with the cheese. Use at least 2 kinds of cheese, as indicated in the ingredients list.

Starting from a 12-inch end, roll into...a roll. Tuck the ends under, and place on a parchment-lined sheet pan.

With kitchen scissors, cut little “beaks” into the dough at a 45 degree angle, 2/3rds deep at one-inch intervals (REFER TO THE VIDEO AT 9:45). Pull the beaks out towards the edges, alternating sides.

Cover with a towel, let it rest for 20 minutes.

MAKE EGG WASH - whisk the egg, water, and salt in a little bowl. Brush the dough gently with egg wash. Don't brush the exposed filling.

Place it in the oven on the middle rack, uncovered. Check it at 20 minutes (rotate, if need be for better colouring and cook). Continue baking until puffed and golden for an additional 20-30 minutes, or until beautifully golden. Desired internal temperature: 200F.

Let cool for a couple minutes, then slice and serve!

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Please be aware that we DO NOT ship to the following Provinces: N.W.T., Nunavut, Quebec, and Yukon. If you would like help finding a store local to you, please e-mail us at info@theoliveoilcompany.ca and we will try to help the best we can.

As well, we are not responsible for damaged product that is shipped, especially during the winter months.

During the winter, if your olive oil arrives frozen, simply place the bottle in warm water, and it will return to its liquid state.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


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