Pesto Crusted Salmon


Serves 2 - Overall Time: 45 mins.

For Pesto:

Depending on how strong you want the pesto to be, use 5-6 scapes for a milder flavour. For stronger garlic, use around 10 scapes.
1/3 Cup pine nuts (or use walnuts or cashews)
1/3 Cup Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, grated
1/2 Cup Lemon juice
1/2 tsp Favuzzi Herbal Salt - Or 1/8 tsp salt and a few grinds of pepper.
1/3 Cup EVOO low in bitterness

For Salmon:
1 lb salmon, cut in half lengthwise. Skin on.
1/2 Cup Panko breadcrumbs
Salt & Pepper
Extra EVOO for a light sprinkle

Set oven to 350 degrees F.

Trim bulbs off from the scapes, set aside for future use. Combine all pesto ingredients EXCEPT the EVOO. Pulse in the food processor for about a minute. Scrape the bowl down as you go. Note: Depending on how many scapes you use, you may need to use a more compact blender. Set to Speed 1, and slowly pour in the EVOO to help emulsify the pesto and make it creamier.

Store in a covered container or lidded jar in the fridge and enjoy within a week. You can also freeze the pesto in a jar or ice cube tray. Once frozen in the tray, remove and place in a zip top bag in the freezer.

Mix a couple heaping TBSPs of the pesto with the breadcrumbs until it becomes the consistency of wet sand.

Lightly season the salmon with salt & pepper. Spread the crumb over the tops of your salmon pieces while on a baking sheet with parchment. Sprinkle a bit more EVOO on top of the crumb layer.

Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until the crumb on top is golden and the salmon reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees F.

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Please be aware that we DO NOT ship to the following Provinces: N.W.T., Nunavut, Quebec, and Yukon. If you would like help finding a store local to you, please e-mail us at and we will try to help the best we can.

As well, we are not responsible for damaged product that is shipped, especially during the winter months.

During the winter, if your olive oil arrives frozen, simply place the bottle in warm water, and it will return to its liquid state.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


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